Thursday, September 26, 2019

Interview Tips for Career Week

College graduates are on the brink of adulthood, ready to start their careers, and live a successful life.

As a college student, you want to have a great first impression on your future employer.  College students look to be employed by a job that they want, rather than what they need.

Expert author and interview coach, Don Georgovich has given insight on the proper ways to conduct an interview and leave a great impression on the interviewer.

When being interviewed, there are five “Don’ts” that you want to adhere by, which could cause your interview to flop.

“You get labeled as cancerous when u go talking smack about the company that you’ve been with,” Georgevich said.

It’s usual that the people that are unemployed tend to have a desperation during the interview.  Doing this won’t leave a good look on the employers

“You want to talk about how you have done it and talk about the details and all the leadership will come to light,” Georgevich said.

While being interviewed, you want you be confident with your answers and show how you have done the qualities that you would bring to the company.
”Don’t say to any interview that you don’t know how to do this or that, you do want to say, let me think about this for a second and connect that to something similar,” said Georgevich.

Two competency questions can ruin the interview. 

”If you don’t know about the fundamentals that you do, then you don’t know what you do,” said Georgevich.

Going into an interview the most professional way is to do research on the company, and don’t ask the interviewer, what they do.  This can turn off the interviewer because it’ll make it look like the potential employee isn’t taking the job serious.

5 Tips:

1. Don’t talk bad about company 
2. Don’t go in with desperation
3.  Don’t say you’re a self oriented person 
4. Don’t say you can’t do something 
5. Don’t ask what the company does

Don Georgevich Interview Expert

Thursday, September 19, 2019

BNNs New Vision

South  Carolina State University’s Communications department invested into new tools to make Bulldog News Now better than ever before.

Thursday, September 19th will be the first airing of BNN for this semester and they have big things to look forward to this year.

Mr. Justin Smith a professor at SC State is the now the Faculty Mentor in charge of running BNN after the departure of Ms.  Tywanna Pryor.

The team transitioned from an older tri caster to a newer V Mix technology.  The V Mix can play at least three channels at a time where as the tri caster can only play one at a time.

“ The V-Mix is all app based, and all in the computer and more professional and easier than images of a real studio” said, Smith.

BNN has had major changes to the set, while also adding a new audio board, and two new monitors. 

“ The Tri-caster wasn’t compatible with social media and we had to manually convert it over”   “We are more high tech now, and social media wise, we are ready for the web because we are able to stream.” Said, Smith.

Sc State communications students are responsible for running the social media apps, which are through Facebook and Youtube.  The V-mix also allows to stream both software’s simultaneously.

“BNN is a real opportunity to get a real life experience and just like an internship, it allows you to get an insight of real life experiences.”

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